Advance Digital

Revolutionizing Dimatix Printhead Cleaning /repairing

Our innovative technology ensures thorough cleaning and efficient repairing of Dimatix printheads, minimizing downtime and maximizing print quality. Say goodbye to Nozzle Blockage and hello to a  revolutionized approach for optimal performance.

Professional Ricoh Gen5 printhead cleaning services by Advance Digital.


Our innovative solution is designed to tackle one of the most common challenges in the printing industry – cross-firing. This technology ensures that your printheads are firing accurately, leading to flawless prints and higher productivity.

Advance Digital

Dimatix Printhead Cleaning/Repairing

Proven Results:

Our technology has been tested and proven to enhance printhead performance.


Say goodbye to costly printhead replacements; our solution extends the lifespan of your printheads.
Eco-Friendly: We are committed to sustainability, and our cleaning process minimizes waste and environmental impact.

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PrintHeads Cleaned

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0 %

Nozzle Recovery

0 Days

Performance Warranty

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